We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction. 


We will work with the project team and sub-contractors to complete a comprehensive baseline schedule. This includes major milestones, long lead procurement tasks, order of build per final construction documents and "buy-in" from all parties for project durations.


Perform progress and revised updates to the project schedule to track progress. At a minimum, the schedule will be updated once a month.
The progress update is when actual start and finish dates are entered into the schedule.  
The revised update is when the team changes logic, add/delete tasks or change durations to tasks that have not started. 


Conduct schedule comparison between baseline, last update and current update. This will provide the team with information on how the project is performing versus the baseline and versus the last update. 
We will provide the team with a CPM Analysis Report on a monthly basis.  The CPM Analysis Report is a written report explaining where the project gained or lost time, progress/revised update PDFs and a Digger Report to identify changes in logic between updates.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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